

Easter Sunday


24th April 2011, I think will be the first Easter Sunday that I experienced that didn’t fall on the first 2 weeks of April. In regardless of when is the actual week of Easter Sunday, the real meaning of it still haven’t fail to amaze me of what Jesus has to go through in order to save my life from eternal condemnation. He who was condemn as sinner when He have not sinned, abandon by His disciple, accused by others, been crucifix on the cross, yet He is risen on the third day!  That Jesus said on John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. “

While you may not choose to believe in Jesus, but for me He is the one that I know I can run to when I am in times of need, whom I can have faith to sustain me, where His will is higher than mine, and His strength and power beyond my comprehension.

While I am not saying that when you became Christian all your problem will magically disappear, or He will make you became instant millionaire. I think the only difference between Christian and a non believer is that we acknowledge that we are sinner and only Jesus can cleanse our sin.

Pray and hope that you have a great Easter Sunday. God bless you all ^w^