OK, today isn’t my actual birthday, it is actually few days ago. Anyway, that’s beside the points.
Not sure is it me getting old, getting mature or being sentimental, I know that as the year passed by, I appreciated my family, my friends and the teams more and more.
They are absolute irreplaceable for me in whatever way. Though as a family we don’t really speak much with one another, but time and times again the affirmation of love that is show inwardly and outwardly is something that I really cherish.
Then the team members that I have. Lot’s and lots of time I find myself privilege to work with this team, all of them are quite successful in their career; GM, principle, FC, executive, architect. Yet despite the differences, profession, status and even age, we manage to work together as a team for over this past few years.
The amount of times, effort and preparation for the birthday celebration for me & Terence is just unbelievable. No words can descries the sense of awe and when I saw the table settings, lighting, foods and the effort of dressing up. BTW, in case you haven’t notice, the theme for the night is cultural costume; that’s why most of us are wearing Chinese shirt. I really thank God for them, they have impact my life, showing love and care, encouragement and correction, agree to disagree, and showing me how it is to be in a family of God, not just in words but also in action and example.
Of course, they are not the only one around my life, peoples that around me; friends, youths, colleagues, clients, all of them have shape me in so many ways. I may not be a celebrity, rich man, highly successful career etc, but one thing I know. As of what I have right now, I am blessed. Thank you so much with big love ♥