

非禮勿言,非禮勿聽,非禮勿視 (Speak no Evil, Hear no Evil, See no Evil)


It has been raining everyday in Brunei for the last month if not mistaken (or more), so I have been quite limited with my outdoor photography. Can’t really take that as an excuse anyway, more like just me being lazy to go out :p

So today I decided to try this technique of putting multiple shot into one frame together with using one single strobe light. I actually can go with 2 light, but decided to go with one instead.

And naturally my nieces is my subject of experiment, and she obediently listen to my instructions for the shot. I actually wanted to do self portraits, it is really tough to get it properly focus and compose and some more outside is raining. . .

I definitely will try out a few more variations with this kind of methods in the future. So stay tune on that, and feel free to comment or critics this.