

Happy Motherday!

This is way way long overdue, how can I missed this and forgot to blog about this!!! I only realized when I am preparing my camera for tomorrow events. Anyway, totally no excuse and sorry for the lack of update. Still try to gather myself up for more juices >w<

IMG_5534 We have an easy night at home to celebrating motherday, my brother even cooked chicken wine soup for such occassion! Since ladies really love chicken wine soup for what ever reasons, and I bought this sugar free cake from Bakelyn. As part of our family style, we sang happy mother day song (just sang it with happy birthday song tune then change it to happy mother day) :p Should have video tape it next time.

IMG_5543The 2 beloved mother in the house! Still missing the other 2 though, not sure when is the chances that I will able to photo the 4 mum together or even the 4 dad (bro’s I’m looking at you 2 :p) 


And the children’s gave a surprise gift for their grandparents, how sweet~~~~ XD