

Wisma, Widow Kong, WMK & Total Resouces Combine Annual Company Dinner

While the company that I serve in have never been lack of annual meal or company lunch, but this is the first time in over 7 years that they ever have a combined Annual dinner together with other sister companies. This year they decided to host it in OGH with some price winning for everyone.


Our ladies never stopped with their cam whoring and pictures reviewing. I think others that fashion, camera is almost one thing that they can’t live without? Well it does make my life easier to take photo of them instead of some of those camera shy :p


Jerlad & Michael received their long services award for working with the comapny, I think they have worked there for more than 10 over years. Well deserve gift.

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One of the poor victim that is involved in the mini games, where the team have to put as much peanuts as possibe that is visible and not touching each others. Everyone just crack out in laughter in this games.

IMG_5445 You wanna know what is the expression of someone won the grand price? And here is it, he won the grand price of one Dell Mini laptop.


One last group photo of WMK staffs before we depart our separate ways for the night

IMG_5505 And our ladies? Still can’t enough camera action even we closed the nights.


So how’s the whole night? I will said kind of boring with not enough spices in between, but knowing that it is not organised by professional so it bound to have some short coming. But I pretty sure everyone have left with good foods inside their stomach and some gift to go back with them.

Let see, when is the next combine annual dinner? XD

For more photo of the annual dinner, visit my FB photo album